Meaning Orientation Sensor
What does Orientation Sensor mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Orientation Sensor. You can also add a definition of Orientation Sensor yourself


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Orientation Sensor

A special sensor in some cameras that can tell when you turn the camera round to portrait orientation to take a vertical shot. It also tells the camera to display it that way later when viewed on a mo [..]


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Orientation Sensor

A sensor in a digital camera that can tell when the photographer turns the camera to portrait orientation to take a vertical shot. This is registered for auto-rotation when viewing images in playback.
Source: (offline)


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Orientation Sensor

A special sensor in some cameras that "knows" when your turn the camera in portrait orientation to take a vertical shot and "tells" the camera to display it that way later when viewed on the TV screen during playback. Overexposure
Source: (offline)

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